Feminism and Islam

Today’s Guardian has an article about Phyllis Chesler, an American feminist writer who believes that by turning a blind eye to what goes on in Islam, the feminist movement is betraying Muslim women. Western feminism’s failure to confront the problems raised by Islam, Chesler believes, is a result of the creation of a hierarchy of… Continue reading Feminism and Islam

Express on the Budget

This pretty much sums up the difference in opinions between sane people and the people who read papers like the Express and the Mail. Express readers would rather have more money in their pocket than having it wasted on things like education and healthcare. Oh, and by the way. Where can you buy nuclear weapons… Continue reading Express on the Budget

You Spent How Much!

There’s one thing that I have haven’t seen mentioned in any of the discussion of the current Labour party loans scandal. The Labour party “borrowed” nearly £14 million from various people in order to finance last year’s election campaign. That means that they spent at least £14 million on the campaign. Am I being naive?… Continue reading You Spent How Much!

Categorised as politics

Fee-Paying and Faith-Based Schools

From the Guardian‘s new Comment is Free site comes a great article by Stuart Jeffries. Here’s a modest proposal. In fact, here are two modest proposals. If the Labour government has any socialist principles left, then surely it should do two fundamental things in order to make our schools truly egalitarian rather than crapshoots for… Continue reading Fee-Paying and Faith-Based Schools

Charles Clarke is a Rude Thug

Rachel from North London tells an appalling story of her father’s attempt to ask a simple question of Charles Clarke (who, as well as being the Home Secretary, is also his MP). Clarke took umbrage at the question and accused Rachel’s father of insulting him. Please read the full story as I can’t do it… Continue reading Charles Clarke is a Rude Thug