Britain is “Most Loutish” European Country

Well, that’s according to a survey that the Guardian reports on today. It’s important to note that we’re talking about people’s perceptions here. Britain is perceived as one of the most loutish countries in Europe, according to a new survey published today, just a month before the start of the World Cup in Germany. The… Continue reading Britain is “Most Loutish” European Country

Categorised as life

Feminism and Islam

Today’s Guardian has an article about Phyllis Chesler, an American feminist writer who believes that by turning a blind eye to what goes on in Islam, the feminist movement is betraying Muslim women. Western feminism’s failure to confront the problems raised by Islam, Chesler believes, is a result of the creation of a hierarchy of… Continue reading Feminism and Islam

Shoe Shops

I hate shopping for shoes. I particularly hate the sixteen year old sales assistants that you get in most shoe shops who seem far more interested in flirting with themselves than actually serving customers. The whole process is made even more stressful by the fact that my feet are quite big[1] which tends to limit… Continue reading Shoe Shops

Categorised as life

The Education of Shelby Knox

Two years ago I wrote about watching the documentary Texas Teenage Virgins. One of the comments on that post recommended The Education of Shelby Knox as another good documentary on the same topic. Last night it was shown on ITV4 so I watched it. It’s set in Lubbock, the same Texas town as the previous… Continue reading The Education of Shelby Knox