Election Aftermath

One last round-up of US election stuff and I promise we’ll be back to our scheduled programming. Firstly a site where intelligent Americans apologise to the rest of the world. In today’s Guardian Simon Schama writes about the divisions in the USA and names the two nations Worldly America and Godly America. Worldly America, which… Continue reading Election Aftermath

Categorised as politics


For a few months now I’ve been getting a lot of pleasure out of reading Dadblog. Today Lloyd excels himself by coming out in support of John Kerry (not that that was much of a surprise to anyone) in an entry that includes this: But if you believe the government of the most powerful political… Continue reading Dadblog

Categorised as politics

Tabloid Times

According to a story in today’s Guardian, The Times is planning to go tabloid-only within two weeks. A later story (warning: Media Guardian site requires registration) claims that it will be happening from Monday and there are a large number of advertising spots booked for this weekend which will inform readers. No-one else seems to… Continue reading Tabloid Times

Categorised as media

Open Source in Government

Michael Cross (no relation) reports on the announcement of a shift in the UK government’s attitudes to Open Source software. The Treasury’s Office of Government Commerce (OGC), set up to get better value from government procurements, will today announce that open source is a “viable desktop alternative for the majority of users” and that it… Continue reading Open Source in Government

Categorised as tech