According to a report from Netcraft it appears that Dubya’s campaign web site is refusing connections from servers outside of the US. I just tested it and they seem to be correct. From a machine in the UK I get a “connection refused” message. But from a machine in the US I can connect without… Continue reading A Local Site For Local People
Author: Dave Cross
John Peel RIP
This will be all over the blogsphere within hours I expect. I don’t know anyone who appreciates good music that didn’t spend their teenage years listening to Peel’s late night radio programmes. He was immensely influential. Tom Coates rounds up the news links so I don’t have to.
Synchronicity at work. Yesterday I posted a comment on Simon Waldman’s blog which included a link to a Wikipedia article. Today the Guardian publishes an article about Wikipedia written by Simon. It’s an interesting article, it mentions Wikipedia’s roots in the Open Source movement tho’ it stops shop of discussing the whole wiki phenomenon. Simon… Continue reading Wikipedia
If you’re reading this thru some kind of RSS aggregator thing (and if you don’t know what that means then you almost certainly aren’t) then you might be interested switching to my new feed from FeedBurner. It combines elements from davblog, my Flickr photostream and my links page at The address to use is… Continue reading Feedburner
He Used To Be Good, Honest
This weekend I was lightly taunted by my step-daughter as she found a copy of Elton John’s Goodbye Yellow Brick Road in my CD collection. You can understand that when an artist has produced nothing but crap for all of your lifetime (and more) then it can be hard to see that they ever did… Continue reading He Used To Be Good, Honest
With God on our Side
In today’s Guardian, Mark Lawson previews an interesting-sounding documentary that will go out on Channel 4 next Saturday. With God on our Side looks at the role of christianity in the lives of US presidents with particular emphasis on George W Bush. This quote raised a smile: The religiosity of American politics tends to be… Continue reading With God on our Side
Gastronomic Catastrophe
It seems that Pret have stopped selling the stilton and walnut sandwich that I’d been enjoying so much for the last few weeks. Perhaps I’ve eaten them all. But in better news, they’ve reintroduced their Thai Chicken sandwich.
Home Again
Got back from the “speaking tour” late last night. I’ll backfill some details over the next few days (and, hopefully, fill in some more about the Egypt trip). In the meantime you can look at my photos from the trip.
To Venice
Today we travelled to Venice to pick up the boat for the Geek Cruise. I keep calling it a boat, but it’s probably a ship. All of the Perl speakers from the Italian Code Jam were also going on the cruise so Randal Schwartz and Allison Randal travelled on the same train as Dan and… Continue reading To Venice
Italian Code Jam
So today I spoke at the Italian Code Jam in Ferrara. My colleague Dan and I flew into Bologna yesterday where one of the conference organisers met us and drove us to our hotel in Ferrara. Then in the evening all of the organisers and speakers went off to a local restaurant for dinner. There… Continue reading Italian Code Jam