It is a truth universally acknowledged that any article about Pride and Prejudice must start with the words “it is a truth universally acknowledged…”. The Guardian likes the joke so much that they used it twice today. In a real news story and also in a feature.
Author: Dave Cross
God cut from Dark Materials film
This makes me really angry. I was really happy that they were planning to make films of His Dark Materials but now it seems that New Line Cinema have decided that the subject of the trilogy (an attempt to overthrow god) would impact its saleability in the US. So they’ve decided to replace god with… Continue reading God cut from Dark Materials film
Last month we were encouraging everyone to stop using Internet Explorer and use Firefox instead. This month, it’s the turn of Outlook to be replaced. If you’re bothered by the insecurities of Outlook, then you should take a look at Thunderbird. It’s from the same people as Firefox and it’s a very stable, very secure… Continue reading Thunderbird
Recruiter Stupidity
Summary of a conversation that took place between me and an recruitment agent a couple of weeks ago: agent: So we’ve got a job going at [large media company]. me: Is that working at [location] for [rate]? agent: Yes. That’s the one. me: Well in that case my CV has already been put forward for… Continue reading Recruiter Stupidity
The Golden Bough
It’s about time I read The Golden Bough, but the problem is deciding which version to read. I’ve got a copy of the Wordsworth Classics version that I picked from from a second hand bookshop a few years ago, but it seems that this is a reprint of the 1922 edition and in that version,… Continue reading The Golden Bough
Corporate Email
Jeremy Zawodny speaks much sense about the dismal state of corporate email.
eBay Customer Service
Important Note: This site has no connection at all with Ebay. I cannot help you with any problems that you are having with Ebay customer support. I would have thought that this was obvious, but it seems that there are some very stupid people out there. Customer service is one of those things that it’s… Continue reading eBay Customer Service
Podblasting hits the mainstream. Or, at least, Ben Hammersley writes about it in the Guardian – which in my limited view of the world amounts to much the same thing. Update: I should point out that I consider “podblasting” and its derivatives to be non-words. This is because they carry implications that all listening to… Continue reading Podblasting
Mrs Windsor
Welsh Assembly member Leanne Wood was ordered out of the assembly chamber yesterday after she called the queen “Mrs Windsor” in the debate. I can understand why people got so upset with her. It’s clear that the correct term of address should be “Mrs Mountbatten-Windsor”.
Evening Standard
Last night the Evening Standard was nicely angry about Ken Livingstone’s plans to raise the congestion charge. The Standard has been firmly against the charge ever since it was introduced. but as far as I can see the Standard is massively out of step with the majority of Londoners who seem pretty much in favour… Continue reading Evening Standard