Pride and Prejudice

It is a truth universally acknowledged that any article about Pride and Prejudice must start with the words “it is a truth universally acknowledged…”. The Guardian likes the joke so much that they used it twice today. In a real news story and also in a feature.

Categorised as books


Last month we were encouraging everyone to stop using Internet Explorer and use Firefox instead. This month, it’s the turn of Outlook to be replaced. If you’re bothered by the insecurities of Outlook, then you should take a look at Thunderbird. It’s from the same people as Firefox and it’s a very stable, very secure… Continue reading Thunderbird

Categorised as tech


Podblasting hits the mainstream. Or, at least, Ben Hammersley writes about it in the Guardian – which in my limited view of the world amounts to much the same thing. Update: I should point out that I consider “podblasting” and its derivatives to be non-words. This is because they carry implications that all listening to… Continue reading Podblasting

Categorised as tech

Mrs Windsor

Welsh Assembly member Leanne Wood was ordered out of the assembly chamber yesterday after she called the queen “Mrs Windsor” in the debate. I can understand why people got so upset with her. It’s clear that the correct term of address should be “Mrs Mountbatten-Windsor”.

Categorised as politics