I Surrender

Last night, this site came under a massive comment spam attack which effectively crippled the server. Until I can think of a better solution, I’ve disabled comments. Whilst I like giving you all the ability to comment on my entries here, it’s far more important to me that the other services on this server run… Continue reading I Surrender

Categorised as tech

Bibliotech Brothers

There are rumours abounding that the brothers who (mis-)managed Bibliotech when I worked there in 2002 have finally been removed by the shareholders. It’s a couple of years too late for me but I hope that the few people left there can turn the company around and make it work.

Categorised as life


blech points out obvious differences in the priorities of two of our daily newspapers. Because if you’re a Daily Mail reader then you’re not interested in global catastrophes. you’re only interested in how political correctness is destroying the traditional British christmas.

Categorised as media