This won’t go down well in the blogosphere. Or the podcastosphere. Or whatever it’s called. There were a couple of jokes in an episode of the Ricky Gervais Show podcast about how much money they would have made if they had charged for downloads. And now. it seems, that’s exactly what they’re going to do.… Continue reading Gervais to Charge for Podcast
Author: Dave Cross
Illogical Thought
Today I’m mainly quietly seething about illogical and superstitious morons who want to destroy the relatively sophisticated view of the world that we’ve built up over the last few hundred years. And, no, I’m not talking about muslims (though they certainly fit the bill). In this case I’m talking about christians. It started this morning… Continue reading Illogical Thought
BBC Four
The always excellent BBC Four has been excelling itself over the last couple of weeks. First there was the Folk Britannia season which looks at the history of British folk music since the 1950s. Then there was Lefties – a series of three programmes about people involved in left wing politics in the 70s and… Continue reading BBC Four
Joel on Rails
Joel Spolsky has been playing with Ruby on Rails. He’s written about some of the problems that he found. This has upset some members of the Rails community. On of the best points that Spolsky makes is one I’ve mentioned here before – the fact that ActiveRecord is a horribly crippled ORM system – it… Continue reading Joel on Rails
Robot Moved by a Slime Mould’s Fears
A bright yellow slime mould that can grow to several metres in diameter has been put in charge of a scrabbling, six-legged robot. The Physarum polycephalum slime, which naturally shies away from light, controls the robot’s movement so that it too keeps out of light and seeks out dark places in which to hide itself.… Continue reading Robot Moved by a Slime Mould’s Fears
Overstating the Case
The Guardian rather overstates the case on the smoking ban. Parliament, so often maligned and so often ignorantly, has done itself and the nation proud by banning smoking in England. “Banning smoking in England”? Smoking won’t become illegal everywhere in England. Just in public. Which puts it, I suppose, about on a par with masturbation.… Continue reading Overstating the Case
Smoking and Drinking
People who own pubs often complain that a ban on smoking like the one that was passed last night will have a detrimental effect on their business. They say that smoking and drinking are inextricably linked and that if people can’t smoke in pubs then they won’t drink there either. I don’t think that’s true.… Continue reading Smoking and Drinking
Time Flies
Is it really three years since a million people took to the streets of London trying to prevent the Iraq war. Credit where it’s due – this is what reminded me.
Disappointing MP
I’m very disappointed in my MP this morning. Not only did he support the government in all of the ID card votes last night, but he also spoke at some length in favour of the scheme. In fact he spoke for longer than I have ever heard him speak in Parliament. His speeches are here,… Continue reading Disappointing MP
You can never have too many blogs to read. BlogCode is a good way to find new blogs that are similar in tone to blogs that you already read. More details from Tim Ireland. There goes the rest of my spare time.