Gone Away

In a couple of hours we’re off to the Lake District to stay in a small cottage in the middle of nowhere for a week. I won’t have a internet connection so I won’t be blogging or answering email until the 28th at the earliest. Whatever form your solstice celebrations take, I hope you have… Continue reading Gone Away

Categorised as life

Cold Calls

I’ve started to get cold calls from phone dealerships offering me free upgrades for my mobile phone. Currently I’m getting two or three of them a week. The pattern is always the same. They claim to be calling from an “Orange dealership”[1] and ask if I’m happy with my current phone. When I ask where… Continue reading Cold Calls

Categorised as life

Musical Parody

I like a good musical parody. Note the word “good” in there. I’m not talking about the Barron Knights here[1], but I enjoy listening to The King covering Nirvana in the style of Elvis Presley or Frank Bennett covering Radiohead’s “Creep”. So there’s one level on which I should have enjoyed the busker in Tottenham… Continue reading Musical Parody

Categorised as music