The Guardian has released a new version of the front page of its web site. Apparently it’s the first indication of things to come. My initial impression is that I like it, but I’ll almost certainly have more to say once I’ve lived with it for a few days. Emily Bell goes into more detail… Continue reading New Look Guardian Web Site
I few weeks ago, I wrote an article that briefly reviewed a few Balham restaurants. This morning I found that entire article reposted on another site. Now, I don’t mind people reposting my articles. I license all of this blog under a Creative Commons licence that allows them to do just that. But I do… Continue reading Plagarism
Greatest Living Briton
The Sun is searching for the greatest living Briton. Apparently that would be “the ultimate accolade”, though I don’t really understand how being the seen as the greatest living Briton would be a greater accolade than, say, being the greatest Briton of all time. All in all, it’s typical Sun nonsense. At least they included… Continue reading Greatest Living Briton
Happy Star Wars Day
May the Fourth be with you!
No Linking Allowed
The clue to the usefulness of the world wide web is in its name. It’s a web. You click on links to follow your thread through many different sites. A well constructed site will expose precise web accessible addresses for all of its content. Occasionally you’ll hear about a site (generally a large corporate site)… Continue reading No Linking Allowed
Ten Years On
What were you doing ten years ago today? I was still a member of the Labour party back then, so I took the day off and did some canvassing for them. I think I spent a lot of the day standing outside the polling station collecting polling numbers from people as they voted. And I… Continue reading Ten Years On
Daylight Exacerbates Warning
Andy Lester has scanned a letter from the Arkansas Democrat Gazette You may have noticed that March this year was particularly hot. As a matter of fact, I understand that it was the hottest March since the beginning of the last century. All of the trees were fully leafed out and legions of bugs and… Continue reading Daylight Exacerbates Warning
Harry in Iraq
I don’t personally care whether or not Prince Harry goes to Iraq. Or whether he throws a royal tantrum and resigns if he is banned from going. But this whole affair raises one question in my mind. If you join the army, then you are trained to be soldier. That becomes your job. If it’s… Continue reading Harry in Iraq
When did Facebook get fashionable? I was just getting used to only following a couple of social networking sites and suddenly I start getting “be my friend” mail from Facebook several times a day. And I don’t really understand what Facebook gives you. MySpace at least has everyone in the known universe on it and… Continue reading Facebook
We’re Doomed
Evidence mounts that the UK education system is giving up on teaching maths to any reasonable level. Firstly, there’s this story from yesterday. Schools are measured on the results they get. And as maths is hard, some people don’t do very well in maths exams. The solution seems to be to discourage pupils from taking… Continue reading We’re Doomed