So I finally got round to finishing Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It’s taken me about a month to read it – not because it was so long, but because it was so dull. I kept having to go off and read other stuff inbetween chapters to stop myself from falling asleep.… Continue reading Order of the Phoenix
Hot Hotter Hottest
The UK rail network is a bit of a laughing stock. In the past we’ve had train delays blamed on “leaves on the line” and “the wrong kind of snow”, now many rail companies have imposed speed restrictions because of the danger of rails buckling in the heat. It’s ridiculously hot in the UK at… Continue reading Hot Hotter Hottest
London Flash Mob
Flash mob in London this Thursday (7th August). for more details.
Job Hunting II
Just heard I also failed to get the job I was interviewed for at Yahoo. Not a great start to the week.
Open Source Advocacy
I’ve been described as an “open source expert” in an article in the October(!) 2003 issue of Internet Works. On the downside, it’s also my first experience of being interviewed for a magazine like this and my comments don’t really say what I thought I said. For example: So what about the downsides of open… Continue reading Open Source Advocacy
Job Hunting
I had a telephone interview on Wednesday evening for this job at TradeWeb. I spent well over an hour on the phone with various people in New Jersey. I thought it went pretty well but apparently I was mistaken. Seems I didn’t manage to persuade them that I’d be happy to make the switch from… Continue reading Job Hunting
You know what’s almost as annoying as spam? People who send you emails containing memes that you were bored of weeks ago. I’ve just been sent the “weapons of mass destruction” meme again. It was pretty funny the first dozen or so times I saw it. Now, I don’t stress about meme repetition as much… Continue reading Memewatch
Portable Digital Music Players
Why don’t digital music players support Ogg Vorbis? I’ve been looking around and I can’t find any that support it. Which is a bit annoying considering the 30 Gb of Ogg Vorbis files that I have :( That’ll teach me to be an early adopter. Update: Found one!
Shoddy Journalism
I’ve just read U.S. shrugs off world’s address shortage which is an interesting article about how the world is running out of IP addresses and how the new IP standard IPv6 addresses(!) this problem. But the article is full of basic errors. Here’s one. IPv6 addresses are 128 bits. The resulting list of IP addresses… Continue reading Shoddy Journalism
The Power of Three
Buffy finished a few weeks ago. This leaves me with a bit of a hole in my TV viewing schedule, so I went looking for something to fill it. And (hopefully) something to also satisfy my desires for teen drama with a supernatural edge. I’d seen a couple of episodes of Charmed before, but pretty… Continue reading The Power of Three