Neil Gaiman Explains Doctor Who

Neil Gaiman was asked whether people need to know about the show’s previous history before watching the new series of Doctor Who. This was his reply: No, look, there’s a blue box. It’s bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. It can go anywhere in time and space and sometimes even where… Continue reading Neil Gaiman Explains Doctor Who

Doctor Who Experience

Series 6 of Doctor Who starts on Saturday 23rd April. So I think that’s a perfect day to visit the Doctor Who Experience at Olympia. Yes, it’s expensive (adult tickets are £20) and, if previous Dr Who exhibitions are any guide) it won’t be worth the money. But if we get a large enough group… Continue reading Doctor Who Experience

Berlin Time

You might have heard of a campaign to move the UK onto the same timezone as Central Europe. There are a number of groups campaigning for this (see, for example, Lighter Later) and the proposals are going to be discussed in parliament on December 3rd. Now, I don’t have any particularly strong feelings either way… Continue reading Berlin Time

Complicated Voting System

The Daily Mail never misses an opportunity to push its agenda, does it. Writing about the Labour Leadership election today, Nicola Boden says: Once regarded as the dark horse in the competition, the energy spokesman, 40, took the crown thanks to the party’s complicated voting system. “Complicated”? How can you possibly describe the single transferable… Continue reading Complicated Voting System

PCC: An Important Update

Last week I pointed you at a petition that you could sign to support our suggestions for reforming the PCC. Things went fine for a day or so and the number of signatures easily sailed past 500. Then, for reasons we still haven’t understood, the petition vanished from the site where it was hosted. Despite… Continue reading PCC: An Important Update

Press Complaints Commission

One of the major topics on this blog is the nonsense that is printed by a significant proportion of the British press. The press in this country is “controlled” by the Press Complaints Commission, but in the majority of cases the PCC either can’t or won’t adjudicate effectively. Every year the PCC invites interested parties… Continue reading Press Complaints Commission