Paul Foot, radical columnist and campaigner, dies at 66 He’ll be sadly missed. Here’s a link to his Guardian columns.
Author: Dave Cross
Is “The Sun” Racist?
Interesting piece by Roy Greenslade in The Guardian today. It discusses how The Sun was very quick to condemn the BNP as racists last week (following the BBC documentary) although much its editorial is thinly diguised racism. The Media Guardian site requires registration – which gives me a good excuse to plug Bug Me Not.
Best-Selling Books
I got a royalty statement from O’Reilly over the weekend. It seems that we still haven’t sold enough copies of the badger book to make back our advance. It makes me wonder if there’s any point in spending such large parts of my life writing obscure technical books that (almost) no-one wants to buy. I… Continue reading Best-Selling Books
Accessible Odeon
You will all be familiar with the Odeon chain of cinemas. You probably know that they have a web site. If you happen to be running the right version of the right browser on the right operating system you may even be able to visit their web site and get useful information out of it.… Continue reading Accessible Odeon
Policemen With Guns
Whilst walking from the meeting to Victoria Station last night I passed two policemen who were holding very large rifles. One was outside the Houses of Parliament and the other was on a street corner newar New Scotland Yard. Now I realise that this might not be surprising for people in less civilised countries,… Continue reading Policemen With Guns
London Grand Prix
Last night I came out of a bookshop on Charing Cross Road at about 18:15. I noticed that there were more people about than usual, but thought nothing of it. Then I tried to get into Leicester Square tube station but it was closed due to overcrowding. I realised that something was really wrong when… Continue reading London Grand Prix
IE vs Firefox
Even the (Microsoft-owned) Slate magazine is now publishing articles saying that Firefox is better than Internet Explorer. If you haven’t tried out Firefox yet, then you should. It’s really rather good.
Box Office Mojo
I recently discovered Box Office Mojo which is a site that has box office figures from US cinemas (it has worldwide figures too, but that’s not the main focus of the site). I’ve been using it to track the success of Fahrenheit 9/11. It’s already the biggest grossing documentary of all time. It’s take three… Continue reading Box Office Mojo
Rosslyn Chapel
There was an interesting article in Saturday’s Guardian about the effect that Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code has had on tourism at Rosslyn Chapel – the small chapel just outside Edinburgh which has been at the centre of the UK grail-hunting industry for many years. Rosslyn seems to have become another essential stop on… Continue reading Rosslyn Chapel
I work too close to Forbidden Planet (and even closer to Gosh! Comics). I’ve started spending one lunchtime a week browsing in comic shops and buying stuff. I’ve been buying the Essential X-Men books. These are reprints of X-Men comics that I was reading in the late 70s and early 80s. It’s been a lot… Continue reading X-Men