Is “The Sun” Racist?

Interesting piece by Roy Greenslade in The Guardian today. It discusses how The Sun was very quick to condemn the BNP as racists last week (following the BBC documentary) although much its editorial is thinly diguised racism. The Media Guardian site requires registration – which gives me a good excuse to plug Bug Me Not.

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IE vs Firefox

Even the (Microsoft-owned) Slate magazine is now publishing articles saying that Firefox is better than Internet Explorer. If you haven’t tried out Firefox yet, then you should. It’s really rather good.

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I work too close to Forbidden Planet (and even closer to Gosh! Comics). I’ve started spending one lunchtime a week browsing in comic shops and buying stuff. I’ve been buying the Essential X-Men books. These are reprints of X-Men comics that I was reading in the late 70s and early 80s. It’s been a lot… Continue reading X-Men

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