We have, of course, known about this for some considerable time but this BBC story seems to think that the problem is getting worse. Which sounds likely. It’s well worth reading the readers’ comments at the end of the story. Whilst quite innocently searching on the web for a number of female actresses’ websites, I… Continue reading Home PCs hijacked to spread spam
Author: Dave Cross
White Camel
In 1999 the Perl Mongers organisation started the White Camel awards. These awards are intended to recognised individuals who have made important non-technical contributions to the Perl community. A few years ago Perl Mongers was absorbed by The Perl Foundation and TPF have continued the awards. The awards are traditionally announced at the Open Source… Continue reading White Camel
Preparing for Emergencies
Our ever-helpful government have produced a leaflet called Preparing for Emergencies full of “useful” advice about how to prepare for terrorist attacks. A copy will be sent to every household in the UK, but there’s a web site for those of us who can’t wait. The government web site shouldn’t be confused with this site… Continue reading Preparing for Emergencies
Julian Ridsdale
This is going to be of even less interest to most people than most of the stuff that I write about. Julian Ridsdale was the conservative MP for the area that I grew up in for the whole time that I lived there. As such he was responsible for giving me a lifelong distrust of… Continue reading Julian Ridsdale
Green Spaces
A nice article from today’s Guardian about how Wandsworth Borough Council is “sanitising” a number of its green spaces – including the two commons within walking distance of my house. A year ago you could stand in the middle of Wandsworth Common, south London, and imagine, without too much effort, that you were in the… Continue reading Green Spaces
IE Blog
The Internet Explorer development team have set up an official blog where you can track (and, more importantly, comment on) their progress towards the next version of IE. There’s an RSS feed and I’ve added that feed to Live Journal. The comments in the blog already demostrate how brave they are to do this :)
The Land of the Free
Latest news from the Land of the Free is that Linda Ronstadt has been thrown out of a Las Vegas casino for praising Michael Moore and Fahrenheit 9/11 during her show.
UKIP Fuckwittage
The UK’s new MEPs all trundled off to their first session in Strasbourg yesterday and already a UK Independence Party member is making enemies. It seems they’re not just xenophobic, but sexist too. I briefly caught this story on the news last night and thought I must have misheard, but it’s covered by both the… Continue reading UKIP Fuckwittage
Time Computers / The Computer Shop Scam
The Computer Shop (formerly Time Computers) have never had a great reputation amongst techincal people in the UK. They might be cheap, but their build quality is shoddy and their support is appalling. Now Yoz Grahame points out another reason for not using them. Apparently their systems come with a modem that is configured to… Continue reading Time Computers / The Computer Shop Scam
Last night I watched the first episode of a new Channel 4 series about Pagans. Whilst it was dumbed down in the way that all documentaries seem to be these days (for example, the first episode went for the biggest possible audience by covering sex) it was all very interesting. What comes out of it… Continue reading Pagans