Charles Clarke is a Rude Thug

Rachel from North London tells an appalling story of her father’s attempt to ask a simple question of Charles Clarke (who, as well as being the Home Secretary, is also his MP). Clarke took umbrage at the question and accused Rachel’s father of insulting him. Please read the full story as I can’t do it… Continue reading Charles Clarke is a Rude Thug

Creationism in Schools

According to the Guardian Pupils in England will be required to discuss creationist theories as part of a new GCSE biology course being introduced in September. If you must discuss creationism in schools then it belongs in religious education classes along with all the other superstitious nonsense. It certainly doesn’t belong in a science class.… Continue reading Creationism in Schools

London Planetarium to Close

It’s an old story apparently, but I’ve only just read this terrible news: The stars at one of central London’s well-known tourist attractions will go dark for good this July. Madame Tussauds waxworks, the owner of the London Planetarium, has decided to close the facility as the company shifts its focus from science education to… Continue reading London Planetarium to Close

Categorised as science

The New Fundamentalists

It’s heartening to see the amount of negative coverage that religion is getting on TV recently. It’s clear that there are a number of people (or, at least, a number of people in TV production) who are worried about the increasing influence that religion is having on our society. Last night Channel Four’s Dispatches entered… Continue reading The New Fundamentalists

Categorised as religion

I’m Loving It

Writing in today’s Guardian, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall is understandably happy to hear that McDonald’s are closing twenty-five of their UK branches. Even McDonald’s European boss, Denis Hennequin, is struggling to put a happy face on the situation: “The UK has been in negative territory for a couple of years now,” he admitted. “The brand 15 years… Continue reading I’m Loving It

Categorised as health

Secular Synchronicity

Since watching Richard Dawkins’ The Root of All Evil? I’ve noticed myself becoming less tolerant of religious beliefs. I really think that it’s time for rational thinkers to stand up and be counted. I’ve been discussing this with a few friends, but within my circle of friends that’s largely… er.. preaching to the converted. On… Continue reading Secular Synchronicity