Building a website in a day — with help from ChatGPT

The front page of

A few days ago, I looked at an unused domain I owned — — and thought: “There must be a way to make this useful… and maybe even make it pay for itself.” So I set myself a challenge: one day to build something genuinely useful. A site that served a real audience (people… Continue reading Building a website in a day — with help from ChatGPT

5 Reasons Why Using AI to Generate Blog Posts Can Destroy Your SEO

Using artificial intelligence (AI) to generate blog posts can be bad for search engine optimization (SEO) for several reasons. First and foremost, AI-generated content is often low quality and lacks the depth and substance that search engines look for when ranking content. Because AI algorithms are not capable of understanding the nuances and complexities of… Continue reading 5 Reasons Why Using AI to Generate Blog Posts Can Destroy Your SEO