If you’re religious, then you really need to read this BBC article about a cargo cult in the South Pacific. Villagers at Sulphur Bay worship a mystical figure who they believe will one day bring them wealth and happiness. “John is our god,” declares village chief Isaac Wan, who beats his fists into the ground… Continue reading Cargo Cults
Virgin Radio Links
James Cridland from Virgin Radio has written to me pointing out that they have a number of radio streams that I might like to add to my BBC Radio Streams page. Of course, not being BBC streams, they don’t really fit on that page and I’m not really interested in building a complete directory of… Continue reading Virgin Radio Links
Ooh, this looks fun. It’s a search engine which tries to work out the connections between the results it gets and draws a map that illustrates them. Nice use of Flash and the results seem (mostly) relevant for the few searches I’ve tried. Stupid name though. I’m probably way behind here. You all saw this… Continue reading KartOO
Be Careful What You Blog
I’ve been saying for months that the MySpace generation are going to have a big shock when they start to make their way in the world and employers have access to all the intimate that they have shared with their thousand or so friends. Two members of Democrat John Edwards’ staff have given us a… Continue reading Be Careful What You Blog
Gone To The Dogs
The Daily Express is in apoplectic mood today having discovered roadsigns in the UK that are written in Polish. The way they discuss it anyone would think that it’s one of the signs of the apocalypse listed in the Book of Revelation. Even better is the reaction of their readers on the comments page. I… Continue reading Gone To The Dogs
Coo. There’s a London Barcamp this weekend. I was supposed to be in Brighton this weekend so I didn’t bother trying to get a ticket. My plans have now changed and I’ll be in London. So I thought I’d try to get a ticket. The web site said that thirty more tickets would be available… Continue reading BarCamp
Popular BBC Radio Stations
This is completely unscientific, but I thought some people might find it interesting. Here are the top ten most visited BBC radio feeds pages on this site over the last seven days. Radio 2 Radio 4 Radio 1 BBC 7 Five Live Radio 3 Radio Ulster 1Xtra Five Live Sport World Service
When RSS Goes Bad
If you publish an RSS feed on your web site, then it’s important that it continues to work. If you accidently break it, then you could be missing out on visitors. I just happen to have an example handy. London Eating is a useful site that carries reviews of London restaurants. For example, here’s the… Continue reading When RSS Goes Bad
Science vs Nonsense
And as it’s Darwin Day, we should take every opportunity to shine scientific light on unscientific nonsense. As a good example, here’s Ben Goldacre deconstructing “Dr” Gillian McKeith.
Happy Darwin Day
Happy Darwin Day! And if you’re enjoying this Darwin Day, then you should sign this petition campaigning to make Darwin Day a public holiday in the UK.