Free Web Advice: TalkTalk

Ten days ago I got a cold-call from TalkTalk. They called me on a number which is registered with the TPS and I have no existing business relationship with them so they should not have called that number. In this situation most people, and this includes me, will probably just be mildly rude to the… Continue reading Free Web Advice: TalkTalk

Free Web Advice: VirginMedia

I’m not a web designer, but I’ve been working in this industry since before there were web sites so I like to think I know a bit about what does and doesn’t work as far as web site usability goes. It’s mainly the stuff which doesn’t work that stands out. And there’s so much of… Continue reading Free Web Advice: VirginMedia

Watching the Press – Notes

Today, at Opentech, I gave a talk called “Watching the Press“. Here are some notes and references to go with the talk. Downtown Abbey The Daily Mail claimed that two hours of material were being cut from Downton Abbey for broadcast in the US – because the plot was too complex for US viewers to… Continue reading Watching the Press – Notes

Social Networking 101

If you have a blog and a Twitter account then it’s nice to feed your tweets onto the front page of your blog. It can be an effective way to let your friends see what you’re saying in both places. If, however, you later delete your Twitter account then it’s probably a good idea to… Continue reading Social Networking 101

Opentech Approaches

This year’s Opentech conference is this coming Saturday at ULU. It’s earlier than usual this year, so it might have crept up on you a bit. I’m speaking at the conference again this year and I’ve been promoted to the main room. I’m on in the 4-5pm session speaking for twenty minutes on “Watching the… Continue reading Opentech Approaches

Alternative Vote

Tomorrow the UK will go to the polls to decide whether we want to replace our current “First Past The Post” voting system with the Alternative Vote. Before you go to the polling station, I’d like to take some time to correct some misinformation that seems to have inadvertently been spread by various members of… Continue reading Alternative Vote

Some Doctor Who Theories

We’re two episodes into the new series of Doctor Who and from what we’ve seen so far the arc plot is going to be even more complex than last year. Here are a few theories that have occurred to me over the last couple of days. They aren’t spoilers in any meaningful way as I… Continue reading Some Doctor Who Theories

Independent URLs

Today Twitter got very excited about a story on the Independent web site. Actually, it wasn’t the story that got people excited, it was the URL that was being shared for the story. The story was some nonsense about Kate Middleton’s face being seen in a jelly bean. The URL was: And if you… Continue reading Independent URLs