You’ll often hear people saying that Mail writers live in a different world to the rest of us. Actually, I think that they live in the same world as us, they just like to think that they live in a different one. The fun and games start when they discover they are wrong and that… Continue reading Parking in Balham
Author: Dave Cross
LoveFilm and Silverlight
Yesterday, LoveFilm announced that they are changing the technology which powers their film streaming service. From early in January the existing Flash-based system will be replaced by one which uses Microsoft’s Silverlight technology. This is extremely disappointing for a couple of reasons. Firstly, there’s the immediate technological fallout. Silverlight doesn’t run on as many platforms… Continue reading LoveFilm and Silverlight
Winterval on the Pod Delusion
I’m on this week’s Pod Delusion talking about Winterval and the Mail’s admission that it was never a replacement for Christmas.
From today’s Daily Mail corrections column: We stated in an article on 26 September that Christmas has been renamed in various places Winterval. Winterval was the collective name for a season of public events, both religious and secular, which took place in Birmingham in 1997 and 1998. We are happy to make clear that Winterval… Continue reading Winterval
You Try To Do A Nice Thing
Long-time readers will know that I’m involved with the nms project. This is a project which writes simple software that people can use on their web sites if they want guestbooks, forms that get emailed to them and all that very Web 1.0 stuff. It’s a nice thing that we’ve done. We’ve created something and… Continue reading You Try To Do A Nice Thing
Daily Mail Corrections
The Daily Mail, along with its sister paper The Mail on Sunday, has recently started to print a corrections and clarifications page. It’s a pretty half-arsed affair for many reasons. The only way to find it is by searching for it by title. There’s no link for it anywhere on the site and it doesn’t… Continue reading Daily Mail Corrections
Pod Delusion Plug
It’s Friday, which means there’s a new episode of the Pod Delusion out. I’m plugging it because I’m in it. The first report is me talking about Nadine Dorries and her bizarre opinions of humanism. There’s another story about her too as the Pod Delustion’s editor, James O’Malley interviews New Humanist’s Paul Sims about her… Continue reading Pod Delusion Plug
Dorries on Humanism
Humanism is an approach in study, philosophy, world view or practice that focuses on human values and concerns. In philosophy and social science, humanism is a perspective which affirms some notion of human nature, and is contrasted with anti-humanism. That’s how Wikipedia starts its article on Humanism. Humanists (and I count myself as one) believe… Continue reading Dorries on Humanism
Media-Watchery Blogging Meet-Up Thingy 2
Remember back to those hazy summers days in August? A group of media bloggers got together for a high-level summit in a pub in Camden. You were invited. You might even have been there. We talked, we drank, we laughed. A good time was had by all and it seemed like we had put the… Continue reading Media-Watchery Blogging Meet-Up Thingy 2
History Repeating
Last week I thought that I had traced the origin of the Mail’s recent obsession with BC and AD back to Peter Hitchens column on September 18th of this year. In this article, Hitchens wrote: The BBC’s Chief Commissar for Political Correctness (whom I imagine as a tall, stern young woman in cruel glasses issuing… Continue reading History Repeating