Following on from my recent rant about ntl customer service, I see that they have just announced that they are closing 10 of their 13 call centres and laying off 1,500 people. That’ll be a great help.
Author: Dave Cross
Alanis vs The Censors
At a Canadian music awards festival on Sunday, Alanis Morissette wore a fake nude suit in protest against the censorship on US TV. The BBC has the story but there’s a better photo here
Customer Service
I get my digital tv service from ntl. You hear a lot of people complaining about ntl, but in general it’s all worked pretty well for me. Then on Saturday evening at about 7:30 I discovered that one of the set-top boxes had a problem. I was missing most of the channels that I subscribe… Continue reading Customer Service
Job Interview
You know you’re being interviewed by an interesting company when one of the offices has an Alien suit lying on the floor.
Dr Seuss and Nanotechnology
According to a correspondent in the New Scientist, Dr Seuss invented nanotechnology.
The people at CAP Alert have a bit of a problem with The Passion of the Christ. On one hand it’s exactly the the sort of film that they would like people to go and see. On the other hand, it’s such a violent film that it scores really badly on their “Wanton Violence/Crime” scale.… Continue reading CAPAlert
Agony Aunt
Ann Widdecombe. As an agony aunt? In the Guardian? That is wrong on so many levels.
Weapons of Mass Distraction
Someone seems to be advising George Bush that if he turns the absence of WMDs in Iraq into a big joke then we’ll all just laugh and move on.
Barbara Cartland
When I was first playing with HTML many years ago, one of the first web sites that I built was one that gently took the piss out of Barbara Cartland. I haven’t done anything with it for years. In fact I was mildly surprised to find it there when I moved all my sites to… Continue reading Barbara Cartland
Majority Support Smoking Ban
According to this BBC Survey almost three-quarters of the population of the UK would support a ban on smoking in public. There are a number of other similar stats in the report, but I don’t know how much trust you can place in a report on statistics that includes the line More than two thirds… Continue reading Majority Support Smoking Ban