Daily Mail on Chrome

It’s very unlikely that you haven’t heard of Chrome, the browser that Google launched last week. If you’re running Windows then you may have even tried it out. Those of you (and I assume it’s most of you) who follow tech news will also know that there was some confusion over Chrome’s licence agreement during… Continue reading Daily Mail on Chrome

Their Own Worst Enemy

Sometimes (actually, it’s really quite often) Free Software enthusiasts are their own worst enemy. Their insistence on using completely free formats for audio and video instead of the proprietary formats that most people use means that their message is often only seen by a tiny minority of people – generally the people who don’t need… Continue reading Their Own Worst Enemy

Is Sarah Palin a Wiccan?

This just came up in a discussion in the office. You read it here first. Sarah Palin claims to be a christian. If that’s the case then why are at least two of her children (Willow and Piper – I’m researching the others) named after teenage witches? I reckon she has wiccan sympathies. Does anyone… Continue reading Is Sarah Palin a Wiccan?