Linux: A European Threat to Our Computers

The scary thing[1] about the Religious Right is the fact that they are so completely mad that it’s impossible to tell their real beliefs from parodies of them.

Take this for example. I honestly can’t tell it it’s real or if it’s a really well-done pisstake.

Like most things that are worth owning, Computers are an American invention. Look at any modern computer and you will see that the whole thing is the product of American brilliance.

For example, this rugged IBM laptop I am using was designed and built by an American company. It runs software built by Microsoft, one of America’s most productive organizations. My computer does everything I could possibly want: I can do my work, submit my taxes and even search the Bible.

Like all the greatest American engineering, it’s an example of innovation that makes a growing group of European and Chinese hackers jealous. They hate our lead in computing technology and will stop at nothing until they have control of all of our computers.

I’m talking about a project called ‘Linux’, something you may not have encountered, but might do some day.
It’s a computer program that was initially developed in Finland as a means of circumventing valuable copyrights and patents owned by an American company called SCO Group.

The whole article is full of misunderstandings and half-truths about Linux and the Open Source movement. But there are little things (like the reference to “SCO” above) which make me think that the writer knows more than he lets on.

The comments are worth reading to. I particularly like the bit where a few people point out that the web site is, in fact, running on Linux. The site’s supporters deny this is the case, claiming that nmap (which was used to determine the operating system) is a “russian hacker tool”.

Oh, and Apple comes in for some stick too.

Also I would like to mention that Apple’s ‘Mac Os X’ is a real threat, too. This damn extrem leftwing company is giving millions to the democ-rats!!!

Also I suspect that this Mac OS is sending personal information to Apple and other communist companies and organizations!

So there you have it. Using any OS other than Windows is Un-American.

The rest of the site is just as funny too.

[1] Ok. One of the scary things about them.


  1. After sharing the link around a bit, Tom suggested comparing to was believably over the top until the comments.

  2. Another thing that smells the fake… would a Real Republican mention “submitting taxes” in the great things a computer allows to do ?

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