The BBC is reporting new UK government findings about the impact of greenhouse gases. It makes chilling reading:
The report, published by the UK government, says there is only a small chance of greenhouse gas emissions being kept below “dangerous” levels.
It fears the Greenland ice sheet is likely to melt, leading sea levels to rise by seven metres over 1,000 years.
And then there’s the Have Your Say that the BBC are running on the subject. This just shows that overwhelming scientific evidence just isn’t enough for some people. Here are some choice quotes:
I am looking forward to living in a sea front property. From the report I saw earlier on the BBC news, it looks like I will not have long to wait as I only live 15km north of the City of London.
It is time the “Greens” were identified for what they are, not Pro-Earth, but Anti-Human
I’ll be dead before all the so called effects take place, and I have no offspring so it won’t affect them either !
I’m suspicious that most of the “Global Warming” advocates are extremist tree-huggers, anti-globalization nuts, and others with lost causes trying to make themseslves relevant.
“Global Warming” is a political agenda propelled by the socialists who lost the free market capitalism vs. Marxism argument.This is the new agenda to attack the terrors of global business thats all.
As long as it means less rain, i don’t mind. Solve the problem of the non stop rain and grey skies in the UK and i’m happy. If only we could sail this Island down to the Med!
And my personal favourite:
Until someone explains why polar ice cap melting and rising sea levels is bad i am entirely FOR global warming.
Have you read “State of Fear” by Michael Crichton?The novel is a bit pants, but if half the facts about global working in it are true then someone is definitely misrepresenting this ‘crisis’ to the general public.I would probably recatagorise some of the comments I see above as flippant, rather than stupid. And I’d positively agree with some of them.
The scientists at Real Climate have a good long post on Chrichton’s book on their site.