BBC Programme Catalogue

When I saw him in Amsterdam, Matt was talking about a secret project he was doing for the BBC. And now he has revealed what it is. He’s putting a web front end on the BBC Programme Catalogue. That’s a database that contains details of almost a million programmes that the BBC have broadcast over the last few decades. It all sounds really exciting. Matt is ably assisted by Ben (who seems to be following me around on my 2005 tour of old media outlets) and Murray – both chaps who really know their stuff.

First previews should appear within a few weeks. I’m looking forward to it.


  1. I can think of three good reasons just off the top of my head.

    • The content of the database will be interesting. I can see myself wasting hours exploring it.
    • It’ll be one of the biggest and most complex Ruby on Rails programs. It’ll be interesting to see how Rails scales.
    • Matt, Ben and Murray all have in depth knowledge of how the semantic web should work. It’ll be interesting to see how they use technologies like FOAF and RDF to model the data.
  2. Ah, the semantic web. Well that is pretty interesting, although I don’t know much about it beyond what wikipedia has to offer.

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