After lunch we visited the Cairo Museum. The lack of sleep was finally hitting us and therefore it was, at times, a bit of a struggle to keep interested in what our guide telling us.
The first thing that really made an impression was the fact that they had a replica of the Rosetta Stone. Now I work very close to the British Museum, so I’ve seen the stone many times, but it really hit me how unfair it is that the real stone isn’t in the Cairo Museum where it really belongs.
The other thing that really impressed me was the Tutankhamun collection. One of my earliest memories is seeing news reports when the Tutankhamun treasures visited the British Museum in 1972. I really wanted to go and see them but never did. I’d been waiting over thirty years and it was really good to see the exhibition at last.
Now I really want to go back and see the museum again when I’m not practically sleepwalking around it.