Just in case you’ve ever wondered how it’s done, the BBC publishes a useful guide to being an internet paedophile. To summarise, the stages are: Friendship: Flattering a child into a private chatroom Relationship-forming: Asking the child what problems they have Mutuality: Identifying with those problems to create bond Risk-assessment: Asking about location of computer… Continue reading HOWTO: Be an Internet Paedophile
Fear of Flying
Interesting interview with Erica Jong in The Guardian today. I’m glad to see that there are still people who talk this type of unfashionable sense. What she does mind are young women today who refuse to call themselves feminists and insist the women’s movement is obsolete. “They think equal pay and women talking dirty on… Continue reading Fear of Flying
Tabloid Heaven
Today is the sort of day that tabloid journalists dream about. Not only do they have a story involving pop stars, “glamour” models and sex, but they have another one that talks about perverts, missing children and the dangers of the internet. All the important topics covered in just two stories.
Comic Sans
Using the Comic Sans typeface is a sign of a complete lack of artistic ability. Ban Comic Sans.
Voice of the Beehive
Doncha just love serendipity. Earlier in the week I caught a brief glimpse of Transvision Vamp on TV. I’d forgotten how much I liked Transvision Vamp so I decided it was about time to buy some of their stuff on CD. As it happens they released a compilation album called Baby I Don’t Care last… Continue reading Voice of the Beehive
The Real Harry Potter
Forgot to blog this when I first saw it a couple of days ago. “I don’t give a shit,” said Harry, continuing to walk. The three of them walked in silence. Eventually Harry spoke: “I think it’s weird how, like, the last four years of life have been pretty similar… I mean, it starts with… Continue reading The Real Harry Potter
Gays vs The Church
There’s an interesting article in today’s Guardian. In it Zoe Williams points out that there are probably more gay people in the UK than there are active members of the Church of England. Update: A big welcome to all the fundementalist christians who seem to be coming across this entry thru some kind of Google… Continue reading Gays vs The Church
UK Parliament in “Being Sensible” Shock
This is bizarre. You wait six years for a Government to do something you approve of and then two turn up on the same day. First they announce that they are bringing in legislation to give gay couples the same rights as married heterosexual couples. Then there’s a massive revolt in Parliament and the first… Continue reading UK Parliament in “Being Sensible” Shock
Harry Bleedin’ Potter
I hate myself. I finally succumbed and bought a copy of The Order of The Phoenix. But only because it was on special offer at Woolworths. You can get it for £7.99 if you spend £15 on other stuff. This gave me the perfect excuse to buy Hail To The Thief and the DVD of… Continue reading Harry Bleedin’ Potter
Sporting Patriotism
My mobile phone company have just sent me a text message encouraging me to sign up for a service where they will send me more text messages that tell me how the British tennis player Tim Henman is doing at Wimbledon. They obviously realise that the vast majority of the UK population are keen to… Continue reading Sporting Patriotism