
I’m not very happy with my online photo album. I’ve been thinking of rewriting it for some time. But then I saw that a lot of people had started using Flickr so I’m going to give that a try instead. Seems pretty good. Has all sorts of RSS/Atom goodness built in. And I can email… Continue reading Flickr

Categorised as tech

Evening Standard and DRM

Today the Evening Standard gave away a CD that contained some standard audio tracks together with some extra tracks which were controlled by a Digital Rights Management tool called “4Play” (because you can play the tracls four times before you need to buy them). Obviously, I assumed that this was never going to work on… Continue reading Evening Standard and DRM

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PC Hijacking

If you’re running Windows and you are connected to the internet and you aren’t taking security precautions then your PC could easily be one of the 30,000 PCs that are hijacked every day for the purposes of spreading viruses and sending spam. Microsoft has a page of advice on how to cut down the danger.… Continue reading PC Hijacking

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If you’re on Windows and you’re still using Internet Explorer as your browser then you really need to take a look at Firefox instead. Since the latest version was released there have been over a million downloads (that’s in about four days, the developers were aiming to reach that target in ten days!) What have… Continue reading Firefox

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