
It is, of course, gratifying that whenever a senior Perl development contract comes on the market in London I get calls from what seems to be most of the recruitment agencies in the UK. It would just be nice if for once it happened when I was actually looking for work.

Categorised as life

Movable Type Upgrade (again)

(Apologies for all the MT-related posts. We’ll get back to our usual bollocks soon I promise.) There’s a problem with the Movable Type email code which allows unscrupulous people to potentially send emails to anyone they like and leave the blame firmly at your doorstep. Everyone running a Movable Type installation should upgrade to version… Continue reading Movable Type Upgrade (again)

Categorised as tech

The Slow and Lingering Death of the Tories

According to the front page story in today’s Times there are people inside the Tory party who are secretly admitting that they have no chance of winning the forthcoming General Election. I’m surprised that they ever thought they had any chance of winning. In my opinion they should be more worried about whether they come… Continue reading The Slow and Lingering Death of the Tories

Categorised as politics

The Time-Traveller’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

Amazon link This is book five in my attempt to read fifty books in 2005. In many ways this is a lot like Slaughterhouse Five. Henry DeTamble is adrift in time in much the same way as Billy Pilgrim but although she starts with a similar premise to Vonnegut, Niffenegger’s novel turns out very differently.… Continue reading The Time-Traveller’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger


I’ve just realised that the feed from Bloggerheads had fallen of my Bloglines reading list so I’ve just put it back and have enjoyed catching up on a lot of what Tim has been writing recently. A couple of good examples: The latest news from Jesusistan (includes American conservatives attacking a cartoon sponge) A roundup… Continue reading Bloggerheads

Categorised as media