I saw X2 on Saturday. I’ll put a review up when I get some spare time, but a quick question for any fans of the X-Men comic that might be reading this.
In that final shot, when the camera is panning over the lake, did you half expect Jean Grey to come flying out out of the water proclaiming “I AM THE PHOENIX!”.
Or was that just me?
Nah, I think they already spent all their special effects budget for that film colouring in Halle Berry’s eyes.
It was pretty obvious from about half way though the film that Jean had more powers than she should have had, and then they killed her off in such a silly way (oh what, no body?) that she has to come back…
Halfway through? It was foreshadowed in the museum at the beginning (although, not being quite such an X-Men fan (I had to look up Lady Deathstrike (or is that stryke? (see!)), for heaven’s sake) as some, more obvious in retrospect than at the time). Otherwise, yeah, I agree; it felt more like a setup for a third film (remember “this prison can’t hold me forever, Charles”?).
Oh, and Dave; shouldn’t there be a spoiler warning on this? Admittedly it’s been out for a while and the Matrix has probably clobbered their cinema takings, but there’s always people waiting for DVDs, or suchlike.