Why They Did It

The BBC have put up a “have your say” page asking Americans why they voted for Bush. The answers make for some very depressing reading.

There are an incredible number of people who mention the fact that Bush is a christian in their responses. I’m constantly astonished by the number of Americans who see this as an important issue. I don’t care if people want to talk to imaginary friends in private, but I really don’t think that getting guidance from invisible sky pixies is a reasonable way to run a country.

Some examples:

“I voted for Mr Bush because he stands for the values as defined by the word of God”

“His faith and dependency on the almighty God have won my respect”

“It boiled down to Bush being Protestant. I agreed with many of Kerry’s policies and liked him very much, but in decisions that would require going on faith, I felt less secure trusting Kerry” (Kerry is a catholic)

“Gay marriage and abortion are a threat to our culture and security”

That last one doesn’t explicitly mention religion, but that’s usually what drives opinions like those.

Update: a couple more that I’ve just noticed. These are non-religious but no less stupid:

“Will never sign the Kyoto insane Protocol”

“He is intelligent. He graduated from Harvard Business School. They don’t give out free passes there”

Anyone who can say that Bush is intelligent while keeping a straight face is in need of serious help.

This one deserves quoting in full

I voted for George W Bush because he has a moral compass and a strong faith in the living God and these things are evident by his words, actions and deeds and they resonate with my heart. It does not matter how intelligent you are if you’re wise in your own eyes and it doesn’t matter how well you are able to speak if your words are clanging cymbals but it does matter who you worship and serve. You are unable to lead and serve others if you do not serve God first.

See that? “It does not matter how intelligent you are if you’re wise in your own eyes”. Intelligence doesn’t matter. You just have to believe you are wise! Well, Penny from the USA I have news for you – no matter what you think, you are not intelligent or wise. You are very, very stupid.


  1. Not mentioning a lot of anti-Europeanism in the comments. Apparently they don’t like that people with inferior morals and faiths try give them advice.I’m sure this raise of Christianism in the US is a sign of their imminent decadence. You can’t govern sensibly if you only listen to (firstly) your defense and oil industries and to (secondly) a thousands-year old fairy tale book. The problem is, they still have the Bomb. And they don’t fear a Judgement.

  2. More Election Goodness

    Lots of other people have been ranting on the election. Here’s some from davlog. I especially like the line: “I don’t care if people want to talk to imaginary friends in private, but I really don’t think that getting guidance from invisible sky pixies …

  3. Bush won because of 2 things:-Karl Rove-John KerryYou can’t just say the US is a country of stupid evangelicals. Your guy didn’t win. Big deal. Suck it up, open your minds and try to understand what makes Americans tick.I’ve had quite a fun time watching the coverage of Bush’s win, with those on the left twisting themselves into knots to try to make sense of it all. This time Bush won fair and square. He even won the popular vote. With gains in the Senate and the House.

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