The story so far: In January 2004, in an astonishing display of common sense the government downgraded cannabis to a class C drug. This didn’t play well in the shires and in January 2009 it was reclassified as Class B. Last week, Professor David Nutt, head of the government’s Advisory Council on the Misuse of… Continue reading He Blinded Me With Science
Category: science
Darwin, Humanism and Science
Yesterday I was at the British Humanist Association’s one day conference, Darwin, Humanism and Science, at the Conway Hall. I confess that I was really going to see Richard Dawkins speak, but actually I got a whole day of fascinating speakers. Following a brief introduction by Polly Toynbee, Dawkins was the first speaker. His talk… Continue reading Darwin, Humanism and Science
Defending Homeopathy (Or Not)
Neal’s Yard Remedies are purveyors of the finest magic water. Water that remembers magic ingredients that have been dissolved into it and diluted until no memory of the ingredients can possibly remain. Yes, they sell homeopathic treatments. Someone in their PR department decided it was a good idea to get involved in the Guardian’s “You… Continue reading Defending Homeopathy (Or Not)
Simon Singh vs The British Chiropractic Association
The respected science writer, Simon Singh, is being sued for libel by the British Chiropractic Association because he dared to write an article (that link is to a copy – the original has been removed from the Guardian web site) which said this: The British Chiropractic Association claims that their members can help treat children… Continue reading Simon Singh vs The British Chiropractic Association
Happy Darwin Day
Too busy to write the long post that I was planning. Might be able to add more later. But I didn’t want to let today pass without wishing you all a very Happy Darwin Day.
The “Controversy” That Won’t Die
The controversy over the MMR vaccine should be dead. I mean, really, no-one who reads around the subject can be in any doubt that Wakefield’s study was flawed and he massively overstated his findings. However the British press got hold of the story and now refuses to let go. A good example is Jeni Barnett’s… Continue reading The “Controversy” That Won’t Die
Michael Reiss: Creationist
Following last weeks entry about the media and MMR I have another post brewing which goes into more detail about the central message of Ben Goldacre’s excellent book. That central message is that you usually can’t trust science and health stories in the press because they are usually written by people who don’t understand the… Continue reading Michael Reiss: Creationist
The Media on MMR
This makes me very angry. Yesterday the NHS Information Centre released data showing that take-up of the MMR vaccination was lower than it should be. The national level has stalled at 85%, whereas it really needs to be at 95% in order to achieve “herd immunity” – an unflattering term which simply means that immunity… Continue reading The Media on MMR
Darwin Day
Happy Darwin Day everyone. Today, it’s 199 years since Charles Darwin was born and later this year it will be 149 years since he published The Origin of Species. So this year will only really be a practice for a far bigger celebration next year. Update: Removed extra 9 from 199. Thanks Murray!
Conservapedia on Dawkins
I’ve written before about Conservapedia, the web site that is using the same software as Wikipedia to build an encyclopedia of the US christian right’s view of the world. Usually their nonsense is just amusing. But their article on Richard Dawkins has recently verged on libel. They seem determined to promote the opinion that Dawkins… Continue reading Conservapedia on Dawkins