Home Again

Got back from the “speaking tour” late last night. I’ll backfill some details over the next few days (and, hopefully, fill in some more about the Egypt trip). In the meantime you can look at my photos from the trip.

Categorised as life

To Venice

Today we travelled to Venice to pick up the boat for the Geek Cruise. I keep calling it a boat, but it’s probably a ship. All of the Perl speakers from the Italian Code Jam were also going on the cruise so Randal Schwartz and Allison Randal travelled on the same train as Dan and… Continue reading To Venice

Categorised as life


I’m not very happy with my online photo album. I’ve been thinking of rewriting it for some time. But then I saw that a lot of people had started using Flickr so I’m going to give that a try instead. Seems pretty good. Has all sorts of RSS/Atom goodness built in. And I can email… Continue reading Flickr

Categorised as tech