Twin Peaks

I recently bought the DVD boxed set of Twin Peaks and yesterday we started to watch it. Almost fifteen years after it was made it is still absolutely fantastic. If there has ever been a better TV series then I haven’t seen it (tho’ The Prisoner comes a close second.) The only downside is that… Continue reading Twin Peaks

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I’m off to Paris in a few hours. I’ll be speaking at YAPC::Europe[1] on Friday. Haven’t been to Paris for fifteen years. I hope I get a chance to get out and about and see stuff. I particularly want to find the time to get to Pere Lachaise. [1] For those that don’t know, YAPC… Continue reading Paris

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“If You Beliiieve… They Put A Man On The Moon…”

Spacecraft Films are in the process of making available DVD sets which include a large proportion of the footage from the various NASA space missions. For example, the forthcoming Apollo 11 set is on three disks and contains over ten hours of footage. The Apollo missions were a major part of my childhood. I was… Continue reading “If You Beliiieve… They Put A Man On The Moon…”

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HOWTO: Be an Internet Paedophile

Just in case you’ve ever wondered how it’s done, the BBC publishes a useful guide to being an internet paedophile. To summarise, the stages are: Friendship: Flattering a child into a private chatroom Relationship-forming: Asking the child what problems they have Mutuality: Identifying with those problems to create bond Risk-assessment: Asking about location of computer… Continue reading HOWTO: Be an Internet Paedophile

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Fear of Flying

Interesting interview with Erica Jong in The Guardian today. I’m glad to see that there are still people who talk this type of unfashionable sense. What she does mind are young women today who refuse to call themselves feminists and insist the women’s movement is obsolete. “They think equal pay and women talking dirty on… Continue reading Fear of Flying

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Tabloid Heaven

Today is the sort of day that tabloid journalists dream about. Not only do they have a story involving pop stars, “glamour” models and sex, but they have another one that talks about perverts, missing children and the dangers of the internet. All the important topics covered in just two stories.