Labour Party Time Travellers

I seem to be getting all the Labour Party election emails. Which is annoying in one way, but I can’t be bothered to unsubscribe as it’s interesting to see what they are telling their supporters.

This evening I got a good one that claimed to come from Alastair Campbell. It was sent at 20:02 and the subject was “Don’t miss the telly tonight”. In it they remind you to watch the first Labour Election Broadcast which is being shown tonight. Helpfully they list the times that it is being shown on various channels as follows:

1725 (BBC2)
1855 (BBC1 and ITV1)
1955 (channel 4)

So, assuming that the broadcast is five minutes long, that’s a reminder to watch a tv broadcast that was sent two minutes after your last chance to watch the broadcast in question.

Or perhaps it’s an incredibly clever spoof on Campbell’s well-publicised lack of technical ability.

Update: Bizarrely, it seems that Bloggerheads got a slightly different version of the letter that was sent three minutes earlier and included listings for Channel 5 (19:25) and Sky News (22:30). That last one, of course, means that the email isn’t a complete waste of time.

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